On 11th August 2019, throwing caution to the wind, HelpOut headed to a rainy Ladiwali for our proposed medical camp.
We were amazed to see how many mothers and children turned up undeterred by the weather and the camp ran from 10 am to 4pm. We saw as many as 247 people avail of the services provided.
Under this program we offered,
A screening of general health, assessment of Anemia and nutritional status. This was followed up with distribution of FS/FA (Iron and Albendazole tablets/syrup)s as per the doctor’s prescription.
Eye checkup.. followed by the distribution on the spot for reading glasses as per the need. ( 95 spectacles were distributed)
Basic pathological tests for diagnosis through rapid kits (Hb and sugar as per the doctor’s suggestion) this was followed up with dispensation of medicines for common ailments, alternatively they were referred to local/ government health centres.
The drive was both preventive as it included Counselling sessions on preventive measure for a healthy life and sensitized the children parents and teachers on De-worming.
It was also promotive as there was a focus to spread awareness of hygiene and sanitation.
Like all our interactions with the Ladiwali we came back feeling happy with the memory of happy faces but also with renewed energy to do more.